Monday, January 19, 2015

Another birthday!

This time, it is the youngest member of our team who is celebrating her birthday - Julia. We wish you only the best for the year ahead and enjoy your youth while you still can. Happy Birthday!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday, boss!

Kee's birthday fell on a weekend this year and we decided to give him a little surprise the next Monday. So, here's to you, boss. We hope you have a wonderful and blessed year.

By the way, please meet Julia, our latest intern...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Meat is certainly on the menu tonight...

It's BBQ dinner again and we are getting very efficient at this. Time really flies and it is the year-end holiday season again. A time to ponder back on the year that has just passed us a by; a time to catch up with loved ones, family members and friends; a time to relax and enjoy the festivities. As Christmas is just around the corner, we also decided to do our gift-exchanging annual ritual as well. While we enjoyed the meat and beer, we took this rare opportunity to get to know each other a little better and just chill as our working schedule has been and still is, simply overwhelming at times. All work and no play will certainly make Jack and Jill dull children....

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It's that time of the year again!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Happy Birthday, Don!

For the past month or so, we were truly put to the test with insane deadlines, tons of work and very late nights. Finally, things are starting to ease a little and the team gets a chance to breath again. Call it a coincidence but Don's birthday could not have come at a better time. A break from work is exactly what the doctor ordered. Happy birthday to you, big guy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Great Ideas Never Die...

In conjunction with the 2014 Kancil Awards, we were commission to do a poster design to represent the north - basically Penang. The concept of these posters was Great Ideas Never Die. So on one side of the posters was the "call for entries" message for this year's Kancil Awards. On the other side is where we and a few other agencies provided designs that represent something of ourselves.

We came up with the MN Food Trail simply because Penang is world famous for its food. We are also managing the Facebook Page of this little venture under the same title. Here's the address.

Our blog has been quite dormant of late. Work has been crazy, major revamps within the team, new policies and the list goes on. But we will update whenever we have the time. In the mean while, please meet the latest members of the team.

Donovan - the multimedia man

Heaven - the new graphic designer