Friday, April 24, 2009

Company Trip 10 - 12 April 2009 ('s about time)

After a few taxing months of work and datelines, we finally found the time to go for a company trip. It is time for the whole team to relax and smell the flowers. We headed to our destination which was PJD's Swiss Garden Golf Resort & Spa in Damai Laut, Perak.

Damai Laut was certainly an awesome place. Just the kind of place to leave work and the hectic world behind and enjoy the wonders of nature. Nice sunset shot, David.

We had a buffet dinner at the resort itself on the first night. All the traveling and having fun have given us quite an appetite. Most of us are more obliging to have our photos taken...

And some of us are not...What's with the hand, dude?

After dinner, it was time for some fun and games. And getting intoxicated was not an option...

The next day our very own in-house birder, Choy, was up early to photograph some of his "friends" in the area, like this majestic White-bellied Sea-eagle...

We took a few swings at the driving range as well. Golf was a new thing to most of us.

We had seafood dinner at the nearby town of Kampung Cina. You can really build up an appetite after having fun for the whole day. Where's the food, Dad? It's on the way, dear.

On the final day of our stay, we took an island-hopping boat trip. It was quite a memorable experience for all of us.
And the views were simply stunning! This is the "Snake's Head" rock. If you look closely, you can actually see an outline of a viper's head. If you can't see it, use your imagination...

2009 - A new year, a new name.

I must say that it has been quite a while since our last post. Ok,'s has been more than a year. We went through quite a lot. Things have changed. The biggest one is that we have changed our company name to Megan Nathaneal Sdn Bhd.

In case you're wondering why our header still bears the old name Megan Ads. Well, we are waiting for David to update the new logo into the header. I guess he kind of busy right now. He will get right to it once he finds the time.

Our beloved Hooi San and CY continued their quest to find their place in the world. We will miss you guys and best of luck. We now have two new additions to our "family".

Meet Alex....

And Fish...